Kode Etik

Code of Ethics of IKAPI’s publishing Members

As a guideline for implementing, professional approvals, IKAPI publishes a Code of Ethics for its publishers. Download  here.


The following is a copy of the code of ethics that was released in Jakarta on March 1 – 2, 2016


Book publishing as one of the literacy elements in the society is a business makers that provide job opportunities and contribute towards the development of public welfare. Aside from being a business maker that supports writing and reading as cultural-educative activities with the mission to educate the live of the nation and pluralistic society, in which it will benefit in elevating the dignity of every citizen and the dignity of the country, as well as an effort in creating global peace.

Hence, book publishers together with the government, public book elements and the entire society should grow a condusive climate of respect and to work together to develop the country’s book industries, in accordance to the tasks, functions and professional responsibility of each related party. With such a climate, book publishers would conduct their professions in a healthy, communicative, loyal, responsible and critical way in addressing the various problems that might hinder their business targets according to the noble mission of their predecessors.


With this realization, publishers involved in the Indonesian Publishing Community (hereinafter referred to as Ikapi members), hereby upholds and self binds to the codes of ethics as follow.

  1. General
  2. Ikapi members are book publishers who have become a member of a Pancasila-based organization.
  3. Ikapi members are obliged to obey the articles of organization, bylaws, and other provisions of Ikapi.
  4. Members of Ikapi are obliged to carry the roles and responsibility in developing the culture and to educate the live of the nation.
  5. Ikapi members are responsible for the books they published in which the contents are not contradictory to the religious values, the noble values of the nation’s culture, as well as public order.
  6. Ikapi members are obliged to carry the tasks and responsibilities together with other public literacy elements, in order to realize the mission of educating the live of the nation. Therefore, the existence of book publishing business and activities must be maintained to enable their active and dynamic movements and to enable their professional growth.
  7. Ikapi members are obliged to support the efforts of other parties who aim to grow national literacy activities, directly or indirectly, in accordance to their capacity.
  8. Ikapi members, in conducting their collaboration with foreign parties, are obliged to pay into consideration and prioritize the interest of the nation in general and the interest of national book publishing in particular.
II Special : A. Attitudes Towards Fellow Publishers
  1. Ikapi members are obliged to respect and value the publishing rights among fellow publishers, both locally and internationally. Ikapi members are obliged to avoid unhealthy business competition which will adverse fellow members morally and materially.
  2. Ikapi members are prohibited from plagiarism, piracy or other similar acts which will adverse other fellow publishers.
  3. Ikapi members are obliged to create collaboration and loyalty among fellow publishers, in order to realize a healthy book-publishing climate.
  4. Ikapi members are obliged to address arising problems among fellow publishers through concensus, either directly or through Ikapi, prior to finalizing the problem through court.
II Special : B. Attitudes towards writers, adapters, translators and illustrators
  1. Ikapi members are obliged to respect and value the rights of writers, adapters, translators, illustrators and other creators.
  2. Ikapi members are obliged to sustain harmonious relationships with writers, adapters, translators, illustrators, editors and other creators and to obey to the agreements approved by each party.
II Special : C. Attitudes Towards Employees
  1. Ikapi members are obliged to enhance the welfare, knowledge, skill and work ethics of their employees to ensure the quality of work in order to develop professionalism within the publishing business.
  2. Ikapi members are obliged to obey the rules and regulations applicable in the field of employment.
II Special : D. Attitudes Towards Printers and Printing Material Suppliers

Ikapi publishing members are obliged to sustain harmonious relationship and to create mutual benefitting collaborations with printers and printing material suppliers in accordance to each task and functions.

II Special : E. Attitudes Towards Distributors and Retailers
  1. Ikapi members are obliged to distribute their published books in a healthy way through available distribution channels.
  2. Ikapi members are obliged to sustain harmonious relationships with available distribution channels, and to obey business agreements.
III. Sanctions
  1. Violations to the Publisher’s Codes of Ethics will be sanctioned in accordance to the applicable provisions in Ikapi’s articles of organization and bylaws.
  2. Assessment on the violations of Publisher’s Codes of Ethics will be conducted by Ikapi’s Central Advisory Council and the sanction will be implemented by Ikapi Central Board.
IV. CLosing

Ikapi’s Member Codes of Ethic is a refinement from the previous one, according to the Decision of the XV Ikapi Congress held in Jakarta on 23-25 September 2002, passed in the 2005 Ikapi Work Conference.


Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia

Indonesia Publisher Association


Gedung Ikapi,
Jalan Kalipasir, No. 32, Cikini,
Jakarta Pusat, 10340