Aim, Function and Roles

Indonesians publishers association



Ikapi aims to boost the function and roles of literacy in the public lives and to develop book publishing industry, as an effort to actively contribute in the education and elevation of the nation’s civilization.



Ikapi functions as a means and a hub of communication, information, consultation, advocacy and training for book publishing industries in Indonesia.



As a book publishing community in Indonesia, Ikapi has the roles as follows:

  1. Enhancing the quality and quantity of book publishing.
  2. Striving for the interest of its members and book publishing industries
  3. Establishing collaboration with all parties related to book publishing, both on national and international level.
  4. Pioneering, pushing and contributing in national and international books activities.

Managing legal events and conducting other efforts which do not contradict Ikapi’s principles and aims.


    Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia

    Indonesia Publisher Association


    Gedung Ikapi,
    Jalan Kalipasir, No. 32, Cikini,
    Jakarta Pusat, 10340